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  • Sell property - in easy steps

    Are you thinking about selling your property? If so, then you have to consider many things. What is the local real estate market? What price can you get for your property? Is it worth it to renovate the property before you sell? If so, how much should you spend and which rooms should you focus on? We will be happy to advise you on these matters.
    • Rating:
      We rate your property for free.
    • Select broker of your choice:
      Why not HAUS Estates?
    • Homestaging:
      We help you to present your property in the best possible way.
    • Photo session:
      We know which pictures attract potential buyers and we will prepare your property for the photo session.
    • Marketing:
      With our database and pinpoint advertising we reach the right customers.
    • Visits:
      We assist you in bringing all the benefits of your property to potential buyers.
    • Offers:
      We will inform you promptly about all offers that we receive, in order to achieve a quick conclusion.
    • Private Purchase Contract: A sales contract is concluded specifying the price, the date of takeover and all other important facts. We are happy to recommend the right lawyer who speaks your language.
    • Notary: Congratulations on the successful sale of your property!
      Your lawyer will now finalise Tax certificates, utility suppliers, title changing, which normally will be done very quickly.